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Saturday July 13

Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Time A
Penntop South
Penntop North
10:00 The Ins and Outs of Webcasting (Lee Azzarello, Eric Blossom, Lynea Diaz-Hagan, Tarikh Korula, Lazlow)The Argument Against Security Through Obscurity for the Non-Digital World (Greg Newby) 
11:00 DMCA Legal Update (Mike Godwin, Eric Grimm, Robin Gross)Access Control Devices (Mike Glasser) 
12:00 Educating Lawmakers - Is It Possible? (Matt Blaze, Declan McCullagh)Hardware Q&A (Javaman, friends) 
13:00 Keynote: (Aaron McGruder)Introduction to Computer Viruses (Robert Lupo) 
14:00 Databases and Privacy (Steve Rambam)The Password Probability Matrix (Jon Erickson) 
15:00 "The Conscience of a Hacker" (The Mentor)Hacking for Community Radio (Josh Marcus, Pete Tridish, Dave Arney, Rolando Aguilar, K. Clair) 
16:00 Cult of the Dead Cow Extravaganza (Cult of the Dead Cow)Secure Telephony: Where ARE the Secure Phones? (Eric Blossom, Rop Gonggrijp) 
17:00 Making Money on the Internet While Still Saying "Fuck" (Pud)Face Scanning Systems at Airports: Ready for Prime Time? (Richard M. Smith) 
18:00 Bullies on the Net - The Ford and Nissan Cases (Emmanuel Goldstein, Eric Grimm, Uzi Nissan)Protection for the Masses (Rop Gonggrijp) 
19:00  Hacking National Intelligence: Possibilities for a Public Intelligence Revolution (Robert Steele)Negativland - Past, Present, Future (Mark Hosler)
20:00  Everything you ever wanted to know about spying and did not know who to ask.... (Robert Steele) 
22:00   "Freedom Downtime"

Friday | Saturday | Sunday

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